Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sharing The Funk

It seems that everyone is looking for Spring nowadays and with each snowy weather forecast brings on the funk . Everyone is feeling it and willingly sharing it . I can see it in the everyday life around us .

People are walking around with slumped shoulders , wearing frowns upon their faces and sighing deeply  , waiting for the weekend .

Times like these are an open invitation for the devil to enter . It's almost as if we leave the back door unlocked carelessly and an intruder invades . I have been watching some of my friends and colleagues suffering loss after loss during this period  , allowing the funk to slowly creep in .

 It may start off with something minor like a ticket or someone cutting you off . Then you're late for work : have an argument with a loved one  : an overdue bill arrives that you can't pay for at the moment . It keeps excalating as the week progresses and suddenly you may feel like God has forgotten you .

BAM ! We let the devil in and suddenly our life takes on a domino effect . Everything we see and do is filled with negativity . We are unhappy , we lose sight of our faith and we let the devil win .

It's so easy to fall into that depressing trap , but we must never lose hope and faith in God . He has not forgotten us , but merely is allowing us to grow into a deeper lasting relationship with Him . Consider times like these tests in our faith .

I , myself , am not exempt from the funk times in life . Whenever it appears , I try to speak to a friend who can encourage me , or listen to christian music or a devotional . Sometimes , I even may have a good cry , but I know deep down inside that these times are fleeting and they will pass . That's important to remember .  . . . it will pass .

So as we watch the weather stay consistently cold , remember the sun will appear sooner or later . Have a Blessed day everyone .

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