Monday, March 18, 2013

Loose Ends

 The other day , I received an e-mail from a dear friend of mine . She spoke of all the loose ends in her life and how they impacted  it . Right away , my mind went click , click , click asking myself what  are my loose ends ?

I guess , my loose ends are different from the average person . My loose ends are almost like a bucket list of things I want to take care of before my time here is up . I have made many of these lists during these past six years .

Then I thought to myself . . . why ? Why am I thinking that when I die that it is the end ? It's not the end of my life , it's the end of my life here . There is a life for me in heaven .

Sometimes , I think we get so wrapped up in our life here that we forget about the life we will have in heaven . We are so afraid of dying even though we know heaven is waiting for us on the other side . Why ? Because we are scared ! Scared of the act of dying . That's what I believe .

So I could make all the bucket lists I want . I could tie up all the loose ends I need to , but my life doesn't end here . When I die . . . . it's just the beginning .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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