Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Promise Delivered

Last Fall , I wrote a blog about my search for a couch at an estate sale . Unfortunately , I walked away without a couch in my possession . That very night , which was a Saturday , I felt an inner voice telling me to place my couch money into the offering basket at church the next day . Sounds familiar ? Remember reading this ?

Well , God delivered his promise to me with a couch that was delivered to my front door today . I paid nothing for it . I did nothing but open the door and tell them where to deposit it .  Do you know the best part yet ? It matched the decor in my living room ! How awesome is that ?! Now , my living room is complete and I totally love it .

When I listened to that inner voice and gave away that money , I knew , I actually knew God would bring me that couch . It didn't happen overnight , but I waited patiently and here I am sitting on it .

Lord , Jesus , You are my provider and caregiver . I cannot imagine my life without You in it . You have carried me through so many storms whether I am worthy or not of Your love and forgiveness  . You are my Father and I am Your daughter .

May we always remember that He delivers on His promises . Have a Blessed Day everyone .

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