Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Forgotten Joy

It seems that my treatment has stalled my Joy study by simply placing it on a shelf to collect dust . Alot of things are on that dusty shelf right along with my Joy . Funny , how a little pain in our life can cause so much havoc with our enjoyment of life .

Things have been great at work . Somehow , I've changed my attitude without realizing it happening . It's not my situation that changed , but the inside of me  and how I view things and deal with them .

Picking up my Joy study book today , I've realized I was on the last chapter . That brought a sense of sadness since this study has always been a pleasure for me to revisit . I have such fond memories of my girlfriend , Anna , as we started our journey in Christ with this study . That is something that will always stay deep inside my heart .

Each day the Lord gives us brings reasons to rejoice . Rejoice in this day the Lord  has given you . He has Joy waiting for you , all you have to do is ask the Lord to help you see it .

That is what I've learned in this study and there is something else . . .
While we have Joy on this earth because of God , we can look forward to entering into Joy when we see Him face to face .

So my friends , this concludes our Joy study until I need to fish it out again . Have a Blessed day everyone .

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