Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Time Change

Who would have thought that one little hour could affect someone so drastically ? One hour forward and suddenly , I have no energy  to propel onward . All I want to do is lay around and do nothing . Can I hear an amen ?

The problem is we have things to do , don't we ? The building inspector is due tomorrow to check all units , including mine . The apartment is clean and yet I find myself giving it a " once over " in case he looks under the couch and sees the lint . Silly , because he's not looking for that .

I have been doing my 10 minute workouts and my belly muscles have been aching , my friends , aching . On Saturday , I did go to my Church workout and discovered I am not the only one moaning and groaning in pain . Yeah , there are others .

Everyday , I have been making plans to go do this or that , to no avail . I'm beginning to think it's not the time change , but something else  called " laziness " . What do you think ?  If I don't get up and get my plate sticker soon , you'll see me on " Cops " getting tasered . You know that's my biggest fear . . . being tasered .

In my Durango , there are two boxes waiting to be taken to the Post Office . They have been waiting for three months now . In one of those boxes , a letter lays on top saying something about using the contents for Christmas . Yeah , Christmas . Can't blame that on the time change , unless I'm still reacting to the last one . . . .

In truth , we like to place blame on things or people when we are feeling a little lazy or idle .  I guess , a little rest is okay , but when does it become too much ? Maybe , when we don't want to get up and take a shower ? Yeah , that could be a sign .

I do have some good news , for a change . I'm peeling ! Yes , you heard me  . After being covered with rashes /sores , my body is starting to peel away . It's a long process because our skin is so transparent . It's also very itchy ! At least , I can raise up my arms without flinching . I'm so happy .
Well , I'm off to take a shower ! Have a Blessed Day everyone !

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