Friday, March 8, 2013

A Hook Of Yarn

I think this past chemo was probably the first one where my routine was completely changed in six years ! Inside my chemo bag , there were no puzzles , no hook  nor yarn for crocheting ! Not one . Instead , it was filled with magazines of every kind and my Joy study book .

As interesting as the new change was , my mind kept drifting , almost longingly , to my crocheting . Oh , how my fingers twitched to mimick the movements of my craft . The feel of the yarn's texture  as it slips through my fingers . . . yes , I miss my crocheting .

The nurses and doctors , all stopped in to see what was my current project . . . . only to discover there wasn't one . When has this hook and yarn become such a comfort to me ? My friend who disguises my pain ? It has been taken away from me with the crippling of my fingers .

Flipping through the magazine , ideas formed with every new item that leapt off the page . What has happened to that woman who only knew how to make blankets ? Her mind expanded with a thirst to do more with her craft .

Yes , I can't wait to get back into my crocheting . Thoughts of new projects occupied the remainder of my hours there . Which one shall I start on first ?

The magazines laying on my lap , long forgotten as my mind drifted off . . . .yet again , into crocheting wonderland .
Have a Blessed day everyone .

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