Thursday, February 2, 2012

A State Of Mind

  February rolled around and I was ready for a change . I expected a change . In my mind , the past months of misery were over because a new month began . Of course , that's not what happened and I had another day of mishaps , errors  and just more of the same . I threw my hands up. When will this be over ?! I was so exhausted mentally yesterday that I fell alseep after supper and slept until this morning .
  Just then I remembered something I read the other day . How we need to turn things around in our minds . Don't look at all the bad . . .look at all the good things . Another fact , 80% of what we stress over and worry about doesn't even come true .
  I have a couple of friends who have reached that level of peace within themselves where they don't stress out and allow things to take over their lives . They trust God that much . I've been striving for that kind of level  and folks , it's not easy . Then , I remind myself that they have been working on that all of their lives and didn't achieve their peace overnight .
  I spoke to one of them last night and he reminded me not to focus on the bad part of yesterday . Forget that awful day . Name something good that happened and I did . That's what I have to do everyday. . . .  .remind myself of the good things that happened .
 Another thing people say to me that annoys the heck out of me ......You're almost done . I hate that line .Emily always says that hate is a strong word . Yes , it is .That's why I'm using it . That's like telling a person who is upset to calm down . You upset them even more . That's one of Emily's hated lines . She hates when I say that  , hahahaha...sorry . Have a Blessed day everyone !

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