Friday, February 17, 2012

Mercy , Mercy Part 1

 " When we ask God to help us with something like gaining patience , make sure you ask Him  for Mercy first ." That was something my Pastor preached about one Sunday  many , many months ago . I can still see him in my mind standing and smiling at the pulpit .
    Every New Year , I make a resolution of a different sort . I choose something that I want to personally work on like family relationships , finances and last year I chose to work on my trust issues with God . I asked Him to help me learn to trust Him completely .
   The first half of the year , I skipped about , smiling . Life was beautiful . I was literally in LALA LAND . Why not ? He giveth .You want to learn Trust , Lottie ? He taketh away . I had no idea what I was asking Him . Like a Lamb to slaughter I nodded , yes , teach me trust .
   My finances took a nosedive . My health went AWOL . My car just wanted to die . Everything I touched turned sour . Do you trust me , Lottie ? I cried like a sissy the whole six months . I lived on the brink of stress , dollar to dollar , bill to bill not knowing whether I'd be able to pay my rent . Disability and I spoke a different language it seems . Red tape everywhere . If I didn't wait a month to get paid ,  then I waited 7 weeks instead . I don't think I got  regular paycheck the whole 6 months .
  For the grace of God  go I . Do you trust me , Lottie ? Okay , but , is it too late to ask for Mercy ?

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