Friday, February 17, 2012

Mercy , Mercy Final Chapter

  Anxiously , I sign into my checking account like I have done numerous times these past 7 weeks . Will it finally be there ?
  I have learned so much these past months . Emily and I have  grown even closer if that's possible . Aubrey is more of a daughter than an in-law . My son , Joe  , a grown man  with a family . I'm so proud of him . Hannah and Tim , my grandkids . Who cares that their blood is not mine . I feel like they're mine. I love them like they're mine .Even like the darn cat , Diamond, who 's cat litter is always spilling over . Messy cat!!!
  These people are my life . They are the reason I'm living . These past months we have strenghtened our relationships and learned to accept each other's faults . I wouldn't change any part of this journey . Well , maybe just those darn disability people . Poof they're gone !!!
  This cancer will most likely  come back again . Who cares if it does . It doesn't define me . It's a small part of me . These people will always love me .
  Did that check finally come in ? Didn't I say I prayed to God to provide for me ? Didn't I say I asked Him  to teach me trust ? What do you think ? You better believe it . God is good.....all the time .

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