Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Bucket List

  Everyone should have a bucket list . We all need goals to keep going . Here is my bucket list .

1. first of all , I want to have a relationship with every single person in my life
                 Have you ever been to a funeral of someone whom you didn't like ? I have . I had no good
                 memories of this person . They were miserable and I certainly want noone to feel like that
                at my funeral .
2. I want to go back to school
3. I want to be a  runner
                 This is extremely hard for me . Running is not my thing but I figured if all those people on
                  The Biggest Loser can do it so can I
4. I want to travel by car to Florida to see the scenery with my mom
5. I want to go to Las Vegas and just play .
6. I want to go on a cruise
7. I want to move to the country
                  That's the life for me
8. I want to go on a Women Of Faith seminar
9. I want to go to lectures
10. I want to make booties for St . Judes Hospital
                 started that one already. So far , 81 booties made
11. I want to use the sleeping car on a train .

1 comment:

  1. All things are possible!!! I wished I lived closer, we could have fun doing some of these things. Running "NOT" LOL
