Monday, February 13, 2012

I Took A Walk Today

       Bucket List Number 3 : I want to be a runner .

 Every night I tell myself that I will get up at crack of dawn and start running . Every night I go through this but when morning comes something always changes my mind . Wait a  minute . ....I know what it is ...... it's laziness . Pure and simple . Laziness .
 This morning , while driving Emily to work , I decided to take a walk afterwards to start me off in a slow way towards running . Just around the block , I tell myself , baby steps . Driving back , I imagine myself breathing in the fresh air and admiring the beauty around me . I'm so going to enjoy this walk .
  I used to walk with my mom every night after supper during summer , years ago . The kids were small and would ride their bikes or roller blade ahead of us . Those were the good ole days . My mom doesn't like to walk anymore . She's worse than a two year old when it comes to walking . She can maybe do a block and complains the whole time . She doesn't want to see nature ....she wants to watch it on T.V.
  So how did my walk go ? Well , first of all , it was freezing cold . My butt froze . My calves were hurting . I didn't see any beauty except the gray , cold morning and smelled the  exhaust fumes from all the cars warming up . So much for fresh air . I didn't see any birds singing . They were too busy trying to stay warm up in their nests .
 All I could think about was to get home as fast as possible and take a hot , very hot , bath . This is going to be so much harder than I realized . But ........I took that first step . Tomorrow will be so much easier and who knows maybe I'll actually sprint for a block ? Hey , I'm fat . What can I say ?

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