Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Morning After

   Remember the gluttony weekend ? Well , it's the morning after and I've been sick all week paying for it . Too much too soon . The eyes were bigger , much bigger , than the recovery . Secluding myself while the hangover of too much wore off , the world didn't stop turning . It kept on spinning . E-mails still kept rolling in ...all 238 of them . Haven't checked the voicemails yet . Housework piled up right along with the dishes . All my facebook games put on a shelf for a whole five days!!!! The requests , I don't even want to think about .
  Was my gluttony weekend worth it ? I'm still asking myself that . In a few days , I might see things differently and give you a different answer . For now , I'm undecided because that Olive Garden was pretty darn great . The aftermath ? Wasn't .
  While going through a difficult time we swear to never again but the minute things turn rosy ..........well , maybe . . . . just once .
  In a way , It's the morning after in alot of things in my life . The morning after chemo .....after staying home for almost 6 months . ......after having my life put on hold . But these are good morning after things . Am I excited ? No , I'm scared . But it can only get better . I have to think of it as a brand new start and everyone always wants a new start , don't they ?

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