Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Call For Bootie

  My bucket list number 10 : booties for St. Jude's .

    I have written about this twice before so I'm sure you're all familiar on this subject . Originally , the idea came from two years ago while stumbling upon a Telethon for St. Jude's . I noticed something right away  about that hospital . . . . .the children were wheeled about in red wagons   and there was alot of color and brightness . They wanted to make it as pleasant of an experience for these children as possible . I have spent time in the hospital and it becomes a second home . The medical staff becomes your family . Even now , every doctor's office and hospital feels like home to me .
   Immeditately , my mind was racing on what I could do for them . At first , I thought of blankets but dismissed it because I would not make enough blankets for every child . It had to be something plausible ........accessible .........easy and quick .........booties . The hospital gives you these socks for your feet , why not colorful booties for the kids to wear .
  Like alot of things in my life , it gets pushed to the side because I always take on more than I could chew . Why ? I don't know . Maybe because I never want to become that person who says they are bored and sit staring out the window ........lonely .....wondering why my children don't visit more often . I refuse to be lonely . That must be my secret fear inside . So I believe in keeping busy .
  Around Christmas , a family at my church read my blog and all chipped in for a huge basket of yarn so I can realize my dream . There is something about making an annoucement to the world and others hold you accountable . This is one reason , that at my church when you get Baptized , you stand before the entire congregation and tell your Testimony and why you chose to be Baptized . Once you say it , people will hold you accountable .
   Once I realized that now I'm going to have to make those booties , I panicked . You see, I never made a bootie before . It took three different versions of bootie making before I finally found and learnt  how to make one . Believe me , I was panicky there for awhile before I did .
   Another thing I'm worried about is that St. Jude won't want them . You see , I made these blankets that I wanted to give away to at Christmas to a nursing home for the people who didn't have anywhere to go . Message after message and noone to this day ever got back to us . I guess, they were to plain for them ? My son's church ended up taking them to a nursing home in their neighborhood . What if the same thing happens here. I'm excited and no one else is . I'm willing to take a chance .
     This mornings walk was quite pleasant . I liked it . :)

1 comment:

  1. God will honor your kindness. He will find a place for them, Lottie. You amaze me, endlessly...
