Saturday, February 4, 2012

Best Laid Plans

 Back in high school , there were the four of us who hung out everyday . My girlfriends and I were very different from each other . Each of us had different views and plans for the future . I , myself , never planned on having children which is funny since I ended up with four .
  We sure had some plans for how we thought our lives would end up . After high school , we lost track of each other . One of them is living in Alaska , single ,  with a very important high up career  in nursing . Always thought of Karen as a stay at home mom and look where she ended up at . I guess God had different plans for her .   My life certainly ended up differently . Actually , nothing like I thought at all .
    Last night , A friend confided in  me her concerns for her daughter's future . Which brought on my thinking about when I was her age . I'm sure things looked alot different and I'm equally sure my mother had concerns about how I would end up . My own perception of how I thought I would live my life was nothing like what God had in store for me .
  If I had a crystal ball back then and could have seen my life up to now, I wouldn't have believed it . I might have not been able to handle it knowing what I would be going through . We learn as we go step by step finally ending up right where God wants us to be . No matter how many bad turns we make He steers us right to where we can shine the best .
   I'm glad for the road that God sent me on . I would have missed out on many beautiful adventures . As for the trials .... well ......I wouldn't be who I am now if I didn't experience them .

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