Thursday, August 22, 2019

Eating Healthy

                                                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                 everyday is a journey.

Thy soul shall enter on its heritage
Of God's unuttered wisdom. Thou shalt sweep
With hand assured the ringing lyre of life,
Till the fierce anguish of its bitter strife,
Its pain, death, discord, sorrow, and despair,
Break into rhythmic music. Thou shalt share
The prophet-joy that kept forever glad
God's poet-souls when all a world was sad.
Enter and live! Thou hast not lived before.
—S. Weir Mitchell

Earlier this year, I made up my mind to finally do something about my eating habits outside of my home. That's the key point here, outside my home. As many of you know, I have been on this eating healthy journey ever since my diagnosis in 2007.  If I had to rate myself, I would give myself a score of 90% there. It's the 10% that I want to conquer. I do great at home, but there are many trigger points throughout the day outside that I fail.

For instance, at work we have this snack table in the main office. Everyday there is something there and none of it is good for me. I couldn't stay away from that snack table. Oh, it's just a cookie or a couple of chips, but we know it's more than that. Or if someone offered me some McDonald's fries, I couldn't and wouldn't say no thank you. Always failing outside my house.

Another trigger was when I finally arrived home from work. I would eat at night after 11 p.m. , because I was hungry. No matter what, I had these hunger pains in the middle of the night. Not good, because all I would do afterwards is go to sleep.

So once I realized what my eating bad habits were, I set out to conquer them. I would try and try, only to fail each time. Finally, one day I ate something I definitely shouldn't have and got very sick afterwards. My stomach cramped up really bad and release would not come. I ended up going home, stopping along the way in parking lots to throw up. I barely ate anything for the next week. I made a vow that day, I would not eat unhealthy again.

I went to Costco and bought only healthy snacks. If you look in our pantry, you won't find chips, cookies or twinkies. You will find sweet potato crackers, nuts and dried fruit bars. I have to be able to read all the ingredients on the box. Since that day, I have been very good. Oh, I did have one chicken nugget and half a donut, but that is it. I have been good.

My appointment with my GP is coming up and I am excited to see what my biometric screening will say, especially about my sugar. Very excited. I just hope I can keep up the resistance. OH, at night, I do eat some fruit salad, fruit or veggies. Although, I haven't seen any difference on the scale. . . . yet.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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