Saturday, August 17, 2019

A Quiet Few Days

                                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Among so many, can He care?
Can special love be everywhere?
A myriad homes,--a myriad ways,--
And God's eye over every place?
I asked: my soul bethought of this;--
In just that very place of His
Where He hath put and keepeth you,
God hath no other thing to do!

So it's been a quiet last few days. Sometimes the quiet chooses us and sometimes we choose it. I definitely opted for the latter. I know myself and how I react to things. As disappointing and baffling these past few days may have been, I needed some time alone to slowly process. I grabbed my yarn and de-stressed.

A person can get a lot done when they are quiet. I put in the new curtain rods, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be by hand. I hung the curtains and suddenly a room is transformed. I even fixed the closet door. Started de-cluttering the medicine chest, the linen closet and a kitchen drawer. When it comes to the de-cluttering, I have one rule that I go by. I ask myself if I was to move right now, would I be taking this item with me? You see, the next move we make, we are going light.

I have also been playing around with the dehydrator. So far, I have made mushrooms, kale, zucchini, tomatoes, green bell peppers and different colored carrots. I am really, really loving the dehydrating process and hope that it will all turn out great. I want to use these veggies in my soups and assorted side dishes over the Winter. I am hoping this will bring down my fresh produce bill over time. 

Otherwise, I am taking my time with everything. Crocheting is my escape, my therapy and my joy. Tomorrow, we will be celebrating a birthday, actually we have three birthdays this weekend. All boys, I'm afraid. My grandson Tim is celebrating his golden birthday year 17. My nephew and my godson Logan is celebrating his 18th and my great nephew Kai will be 6. Happy birthday to them all. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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