Tuesday, August 13, 2019

A 2019 Goal Update

                                                               Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                everyday is a journey.

Mine be the reverent, listening love 
That waits all day on Thee, 
With the service of a watchful heart 
Which no one else can see. 

We have set out to basically do two things this year. One, we wanted to be debt free by paying off the loans. Two, we also wanted to simplify our life by de-cluttering our belongings. So how did we do?

Well, the first four months were fantastic as we really did aggressively approach these two goals. We were able to pay off a major, major loan within that timeframe. We attacked the pantry and re-organized it. The living room was next and some small drawers. I did get to paint my room and move some furniture around.

Spring turned into Summer and everything came to a complete standstill. I have been battling fatigue and the hot Summer days left us feeling lethargic. The days quickly passed and here we are with Fall just around the corner.

This weekend, I did a small walkthrough of our place and mentally started clicking off what needed to be done next. I think I need to start at one end and slowly work my way to the back. This way nothing gets missed and looks better in regards to organizational skills. I am not worried about the de-cluttering, because that is something we will be doing on a regular basis.

The financial goal has changed quite a bit. I don't believe we will be able to pay off the rest by the end of the year. Too many unexpected things occurred where the money we had saved was needed on other things. Sometimes, we have to stop and re-evaluate our financial position by priority. What is more important at this time? Sometimes, even the future goals undergo a change. This is life, folks. One never knows what each day will bring and we have to adapt to every change that affects our life. So for now, this is where we are at.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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