Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Change Can Be Good

                                                              Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                               everyday is a journey.

One holy Church, one army strong,
    One steadfast high intent,
  One working band, one harvest-song,
    One King omnipotent.

I have this one manager at work that just loves to write encouraging quotes on the board outside his office. They are meant to be a positive effect on our attitude so we can conquer the work day.  Sometimes all they end up being is just plain cheesy sayings that only aggravate us. Once in awhile he hits it right on the mark with a really good one.

If you can't do anything about it, let it go. Don't be a prisoner to things you can't change.

I have been reflecting on many things these past few weeks. As I have mentioned  before, this really hasn't been a good month for us. It has been hectic, stressful, disappointing and absolutely frustrating to say the least. If I'm honest, it's been like this all year long.

Don't get me wrong. We have done a lot this year. It's been the most productive year by far, but it's also been the most stressful. Many important things have been finally taken care of  that should have been done years ago. It is a plus, plus all the way.

Yet, I am done. You know that phrase above makes so much sense. We hold onto things and refuse to let them go. We rather worry and worry ourselves to death rather than release it. I am so guilty of it, especially this year. All because of the uncertainty of things, but none of it is promised to begin with. We don't know our futures. We can only be sure of our salvation and I'm speaking of my own.

Whatever happens will happen regardless of what I try to do to change it. Change can be good. It can be refreshing, revitalizing and rehabilitating to one's soul. We just need to allow ourselves to be still and willing to listen to what God is saying to us in that silence. The future can be frightening, but it's also needed.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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Winter Wonderland

                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.  Living in Chicago for a major part of my life, I reme...