Friday, October 26, 2018

When We Fall Back

                                                          Everyday is a brand new day. everyday is a journey.

Stilled now be every anxious care;
  See God's great goodness everywhere;
  Leave all to Him in perfect rest:
  He will do all things for the best.

There is something about losing control that keeps us awake at night. It stays with us for days, this feeling of regret and remorse. I hate losing control. It could be something very small like a raising of my voice or a moment where we didn't behave in the right way. It will stay with me. 

You see, I do not have the capacity within me to love people I don't like. I find it extremely difficult to do so. This is not easy to admit. It is terrible, for we are here to love one another, yet, I find it difficult. So what does that have to do with losing control?

Well, I lose patience with difficult people or unlikable people. You know what I mean. There are all sorts of characters in the world, all sorts. It's easy to dislike someone, but difficult to pray for them. Or at least, for me. I may pray for many people, but I don't really pray for the ones that hurt me. To do so, really marks you as a Christ follower. 

I know who are very good at praying for their enemies. Heck, they don't even consider them their enemy or adversary. They love on them with all their strength, falling on their knees in deep prayer for the ones who hurt them. How do I become like that? How do we keep turning that other cheek?

If there is one thing I have learned that everything good in life takes time and practice. The more we do something, the easier it becomes with plenty of usage. It may have been difficult at first, but we become better and suddenly it isn't such a struggle after all. That's what I am hoping for here. The more I pray, the easier it will be and quite natural for me. 

So let's start together! Have a blessed day everyone. 

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