Sunday, October 7, 2018

Allison Take Two

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                        everyday is a journey.

Maker of earth and sea and sky,
    Creation's sovereign Lord and King,
  Who hung the starry worlds on high,
    And formed alike the sparrow's wing;
  Bless the dumb creatures of Thy care,
  And listen to their voiceless prayer.

When I wrote about Allison the other day, it evoked a huge response from all of you. Several of you have left me messages in regards to helping her and wondering if she was being cared for by anyone. Although, it has taken me almost two years to get through to her, she has accepted my blanket for her and the goodie bag for her nausea. 

Many of you were concerned that perhaps she needed a good meal, so I decided to bring over to her a large container of chicken noodle soup, some cornbread and oyster crackers. I was excited, because I saw the other two times as a positive take on her acceptance of being served. 

Well, I rang her bell. I knocked on her door. The front door and the back door. No answer. I thought, okay she is resting. I will come back later. Again, no answer. I tried once more towards the evening. No answer. Defeated, I sat back down in the living room with Emily. I felt like she was avoiding me. A few minutes later, I hear her leaving her apartment. Looked out and saw her car was gone. 

I cannot explain to you how terrible I felt at that moment.  In all of my eleven years, I have never come across another fellow cancer patient who did everything in their power to avoid other people. It's never happened. Quite the opposite. Hurting people gravitate towards others for comfort. 

I have heard of people who retreated into their homes away from others or who were angry at God or the world. I just never met them. So I am a little discouraged by her behavior, but that will not deter me from praying for her nor being there when she needs me. 

I know that all of you would be very interested in her so I though I would do an update. Please continue to pray for her as I will. 

Have  a blessed day everyone. 

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