Friday, October 5, 2018


                                                        Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

We would not meagre gifts down-call
  When Thou dost yearn to yield us all;
  But for this life, this little hour,
  Ask all Thy love and care and power.

My next door neighbor, Allison, has cancer. She hasn't said anything to me, but I know the signs. The shaven head, the clear plastic across her chest signifying a port, her sudden staying at home. The list is endless and her entire routine has changed. I even know when she is having treatment, because she locks herself in her apartment and doesn't come out for several days. 

It has taken me the entire year and a half for Allison to respond to me. She is extremely withdrawn, quiet and aloof. That doesn't stop me from acknowledging her presence. Hello Allison. Have a good day Allison. It's cold today, Allison. I respect her reserved character and don't push myself onto her. That is one of our biggest problem as a society, we push ourselves onto others. We all are different and that difference should be respected. Not everyone responds kindly to a bull in a china shop. Some people respond to quiet kindness.

At first, I made her an afghan that she can use for chemo or at home while laying on her couch. Wherever or however she may want to use it. Secondly, I left her a bag full of nausea defying items like saltine crackers and two types of ginger tea. Either times, I didn't knock on her door, just left it there. 

I did that for a couple of reasons: One, I tried to respect her desire to be left alone. Two, I certainly didn't want to disturb her if she was resting. Three, I didn't want to overwhelm her with too many visitors. 

People always ask me how they can help someone going through treatment. They keep asking me that question and yet, I find they don't truly listen. My last treatment was very bittersweet. I had many visitors that would bring me food or call me. That is wonderful, but the one thing I wanted or needed the most was rest. When people would drop by, I would have to entertain them and provide refreshment. They would sit with me for hours and I would become tired. I know people mean well, but do try to remember our bodies are extremely fatigued. If you are planning on visiting a sick friend bringing goodies, please stay an hour tops and allow them to rest. 

I hope I don't offend anyone saying all of this, because it is not my intention. I always appreciate everything that people do for me. Always. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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