Monday, October 29, 2018

The Noise Around Us

                                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

There's many a time when the bitterest thing
Is said without reason, and God knows
The courage it takes to suffer the sting,
By hiding the wounds that the heart shows.
There's many a sob we bravely keep down
For the sake of old times revered so,
There's many a head with thorns for a crown
Where kisses would soon make the heart glow.

It is so easy to get lost in the trivial bits of our life. The world is basically screaming at us from all corners. Be like me. Try this. Do it like this. Like me. Take care of me. Notice me. I'm in pain! Life is becoming harder and harder. The world is so full of hurting people, all crying out and searching for peace. 

I find myself longing for the Fridays of this world to come faster each week. I try to lock myself away in the sanctuary of my apartment. There is peace here. There is quiet. The problem is that they disappear so quickly. They vanish into thin air faster than we would like. Then it is Monday once again.

It is becoming extremely difficult to be a Christian in this world, let alone a serving one in a leadership role. Is it possible to feel alone in a crowded room? Absolutely. 

I have never experienced a midlife crisis, but I actually feel like it's happening now. I've been a servant to others all of my life. I've been the peace negotiator between family members often sacrificing my own needs and wants for the betterment of the family. It has been the same at work. Or at Church. Or my family. My friends. My whole life has been a duty and a responsibility. 

The noise around me has become louder and louder drowning out the slow beating of a heart filled with longing. It seems I'm the only one that can hear it beating against my breast. What about me? What about my noise? Is everyone deaf to it? Lord, are you my El Roi? Are you the only one who stills the noise around us so you can see and hear me? Only you, Lord. Only you.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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