Tuesday, October 30, 2018

What Have You Done With Your Life?

                                              Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

What have you done with your soul, 
my friend?
Where is the ray you were wont to send,
Glancing bright through the outer night,
Touching with hope what was dark before,
Glimmering on to the further shore?

I would rephrase that first line; What have you done with your life, my friend? In the end, we all want our lives to have mattered, to be remembered for something. I am always looking for things that I can pass on to my children and grandchildren. Maybe, some small heirloom figurines or carousels? A crocheted blanket or two? A happy moment or two?

Honestly, in the end, it's all about the memories. Only when we have a relationship with the people in our lives can there be memories and by that I mean good memories. That's what I want with everyone, good memories that they can relive them over and over again. That comes with work.

If we care how our relationships with others is progressing and hopefully growing, we will be able to put in the effort. Of course, if someone doesn't want that to happen, then it won't. You cannot make anyone pursue working on your relationship if they simply have no desire for it to blossom. Some people simply cannot forgive, let go or admit their part in it. They just can't and we have to accept that. We have to move on.

I certainly know I want to live my best life ever. I have no desire to retire in any way, except from the day job. The rest of my activities I plan on doing until my last breath! Live your life to the fullest to the glory of God! 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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