Friday, October 12, 2018

The Underdog

                                                                        Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                        everyday is a journey. 

In the bitter waves of woe,
    Beaten and tossed about
  By the sullen winds that blow
    From the desolate shores of doubt,
  Where the anchors that faith has cast
    Are dragging in the gale,
  I am quietly holding fast
    To the things that cannot fail.

I've  always sided with the underdog and in the Bible, there are many of them. I've always been able to relate to the people in the Bible, especially the ones that no one else understood nor wanted around. Take the woman at the well. How many of us have actually been that woman at one time or another? The same can be said of others in the Bible. We all have been there.

Take the Mary/Martha story. Honestly, it has been difficult for me to understand this Bible story. My son Joey, the Pastor, would remark: " Mom, if you had the chance to listen to Jesus speaking, would you be doing the dishes?" Unfortunately, knowing how I am in regards to work, I probably would be doing the dishes. I would want everything to be perfect for Jesus, but I do understand his point. If the opportunity arose for me to hear Jesus, I need to be sitting at His knee. 

It's the same in my everyday life. I get involved without being asked to get involved. If I see some injustice occur on the street, in the mall or neighborhood, I'm charging right toward it. I do so without thinking and that can get me in a lot of trouble and judgment from others. I get myself involved in things that I later regret.

Last night, I asked my friend at work: When did I become so unhappy here? Was it before or after I came to this shift? The answer? After. I don't like these people and I certainly don't like the management running this shift. Yet, here I am, stuck and unable to go anywhere for over four years. I have tried to love these people and it's not working out. I cannot wait for this new company to take over so I can move elsewhere. 

I have been helping the underdog at work for years and suddenly, I've become one. Who is coming to my rescue? Last night, another difficult night. I'm tired and I need to get out. I just don't know how. I have talked about this forever and I always get the same reply. God placed you there. Yes, He did, but there comes a point where the action has to come from me. I've also written about this anger that is coming out of me. I have no idea where or how this will end, but I do know  that action needs to come from me. I think I need to take care of something first and then everything will fall into place. Please pray for me and my family.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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