Sunday, October 14, 2018

Uncommon Friendships

                                                              Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

  I cannot feel
  That all is well, when darkening clouds conceal
      The shining sun;
      But then, I know
  He lives and loves; and say, since it is so,
      Thy will be done.

Uncommon friendships, there are the rare ones where love and respect truly resides..

1.Uncommon friends can speak their minds without fear.
Do you have a friend like that? I've had many girlfriends where I thought we could actually speak like that to one another without offense. Well, let me tell you, be careful when doing so. I have found that the generational rules have changed when it come to friendships. To me, a friend was a friend forever. It isn't so any longer. People are placed in compartments of different type of relationships. 

2. Uncommon friends can share their hearts without shame.

Absolutely! Folks, I have finally been blessed with some grown women friends. By that I mean, we all have numerous friendships, but get yourself a really good friend that can listen to you without judgement. If we are honest with one another, that type of friend is rare. I have many acquaintances, but only one bestie. I'm always careful what I confide to a new person in my life. A bestie isn't someone you just met a week ago. This is someone who has earned that title by being around when you needed her.
3. Uncommon friends can be vulnerable with one another and still retain their dignity.

A friend to whom you can bare your soul, the ugliness and the pureness, yet they still love you. They wipe away your tears, give you a great hug and tell you it's okay. Do you have a friend like that? Unfortunately, I only have one, but I rather have the one than none. 

4. Uncommon friends can stay close even at a distance.

They can also pick up exactly where they left off as if they never been apart. My mom has a left like that and their friendship has lasted over 40 years. I hope my friendships can last as long, faithful and true.

Recently, I was in a Women's Bible study on David. We studied the great relationship he had with Jonathon. All four of these comments about uncommon friendships came from that study, because they had that kind of relationship. It is rare, it is beautiful, it is love.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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