Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Power Of Silence

                                                             Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                              everyday is a journey.

These stones that make the meadow brooklet murmur
Are the keys on which it plays.
O'er every shelving rock its touch grows firmer,
Resounding notes to raise.

There is so much power in silence. One can say so much without saying one word. A penetrating stare. The definition and stance of one's shoulders and body. Oh yes, one can say so much with silence!

There are times where I seek silence. I need silence to refresh my soul from the burdens of the week. I can feel that silence especially when I'm all alone at home. Sometimes, I can find it alarming. I've never really been alone before and I know the day will come when I will be. Will I be able to handle it? Will I embrace it? Only time will tell.

All this time I have been searching for peace and quiet, but what if I were to get it? Could I live without the various noise in our lives? Could I live all alone without someone to talk to at the drop of a hat?

I've had the opportunity these past few days to truly enjoy the Fall colors around us. The trees are such a vibrant display of reds, golds and browns. They scream serenity and I just want to bask and burrow around them. This world is so beautiful and some of us have no idea, because we refuse to see it. 

I think we have to age a little and live a little to understand such a beauty as this. I know I seek peace and quiet, but most of all, I'm searching for God's splendor. I want to sit among the trees, watching the creatures of the woods preparing for Winter. I want to sit among them, enjoying my conversations with my Lord. 

We are so busy, running around from place to place that we forget to enjoy the silence. There is so much power in the silence. So much we can learn from that silence. Just like Ruth Graham Lotz loves to say, God is speaking, are we listening?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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