Monday, October 16, 2017

Radiation Pt. 3

                                                                          Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                           everyday is a journey.

Being perplexed, I say,
Lord, make it right!
Night is as day to Thee,
Darkness is light.
I am afraid to touch
Things that involve so much;--
My trembling hand may shake,
My skill-less hand may break:
Thine can make no mistake. 

Whenever we are going through treatment, chemo or radiation, we should take special care of ourselves. Your doctor and nurses will provide you with some helpful tips, but here are some simple things you should do.
1. Get plenty of rest. Take naps if necessary.
2. Eat healthy foods. My doctor placed me on the BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) diet to help with my side effects. 
3. Take care of the skin in the treatment area, My nurses gave me instructions on how to do so based on my treatment. Yours might be different. 
4. Tell your cancer team about all your medications. Very, very important. 

It's also important to prepare your home or apartment for the duration of your treatment. 
1. Buy yourself a bunch of Clorox wipes. Every morning, I would wipe down the door knobs, counters, tables or phones. Also, keep a container of wipes in the bathroom so you and your family members can wipe down the toilet seat before and after use.
2. Keep the lid of the toilet down. One of my chemo nurses gave me this hint to keep any fumes from my chemo under taps. 
3. Get rid of any plants or flowers. Bacteria grows in dirt. Ever since I have been diagnosed with cancer, I haven't had any kind of houseplants in the house. 
4. If you can, try to stock up your pantry with dry goods, supplies and any medication you may need. There will be days you won't be feeling well and will not be able to go out.
5. Try to stock up on plain saltine crackers. These will be life savers on those queasy days where one feels nauseous.
6. Also, it's important to have anti-diarrhea pills and laxatives. You will experience both at sometime during your treatment.

Please accept the help of others. This was particularly difficult for me. If someone offers to pick up groceries for you, give them a list. If they want to do your laundry, show them the way to the washing machine. Don't take away their privilege to help and serve you. I still struggle with this one. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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