Thursday, October 12, 2017

September Days

                                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Tis not enough to weep my sins,
    'Tis but one step to heaven:--
   When I am kind to others,--then
     I know myself forgiven.

I've been crocheting baby hats like crazy all month long!  First, they were in the color purple for Shaken Baby Syndrome and now in bright colors for preemie babies in Africa. I also made some in red for the American Red Cross babies with heart defects. I love making baby hats, because it's easy and fast. I can whip them out like crazy. 

In the beginning of the year, I received an order for a large afghan (another king size) which I use the proceeds of that for purchase of yarn for my Ministry. Same thing with scarves/hats and headbands. I never minded since I'm paid in yarn. As I'm finishing up these orders, I don't think I'll be doing these anymore. As much as I love the payment of yarn in return, it is very time consuming filling up my already jam packed schedule. 

I find myself always behind, always staying up and rushing to catch up. By doing this, I allow other things to fall to the wayside. People end up being disappointed in me and I end up feeling bad about myself. Multitasking will be the death of me, of all of us. I truly need to learn to work on one thing at a time. Quite hard. 

With that in mind, I've been spending my nights going through old papers, shredding what isn't needed any longer. Same thing with photographs. We have a lot of albums that take up so much space. I plan on organizing them into picture books. A huge project that involves a multitude of sorting and scanning. And I don't even have a scanner. I might have to purchase a copier. 

All of this so I can downsize. I am holding on to things that aren't even being used, just collecting dust. I need to go through it all and donate to others in need. I had a large plastic bin full of scarves. For what? So I can be stylish when I lose my hair to chemo? All I need are four basic colors and I'm fine. We don't need all these pairs of shoes or handbags. It's just too much. What did Jesus say? Leave your belongings and come follow me. I'm leaving mine and following Jesus. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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