Saturday, October 28, 2017

No Revisiting Here

                                                             Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

The perfect poise that comes-from self-control,
The poetry of action, rhythmic, sweet--
The unvexed music of the body and soul
That the Greeks dreamed of, made at last complete.
Our stumbling lives attain not such a bliss;
Too often, while the air we vainly beat,
Love's perfect law of liberty we miss.
--Annie Matheson.

It was a hard day, a hard week. Everything fell apart from beginning to end. The weekend couldn't arrive fast enough to our liking. All we wanted to do is run home and have a good cry. Maybe even turn the weekend into a regular "woe is me" kind of party. Yeah, that sounded really good. A little sad music, a bottle of wine and a box of tissues.

The problem was that tears wouldn't come. God was having none of it. It was as if HE was saying that's the old you , not the new you. You don't need a bottle of wine, sad music or even some tissues. All you need is to be still and believe in me. 

When things fall apart, our first instinct is to run to what comforts us. In the past, it would have been those three things. We want to become numb and unfeeling any type of emotion. This way we won't hurt. We won't remember. We won't feel.  

I cannot remember the last time I had a good heart wrenching cry fest. I might have broken down in tears during worship time or in praise of Our Lord, but never because life became too difficult. There is a line that we have crossed in our growth that we cannot go backwards again. 

It seems that the more struggles we endure, the more we have come to be adept in handling them. I already know the pattern of a trial. It always seems to begin with a series of mishaps that occur in a domino effect. I can handle mishaps, it's the next thing that knocks us out. It's that hurtful, gut wrenching pain that leaves us reeling and overwhelmed by what direction we should take. That's the one that we struggle with and are afraid of experiencing.

It's this feeling of helplessness that brings us to our knees before Our Lord. That's when we begin to heal. Lord, I don't know what to do. All I can do is leave it with you. Help me. Lead me. We get up and become still. Let this trial run it's course. 

Terrible days and weeks are handled a little differently nowadays. We come home, take our shoes off and usually plop on our bed in exhaustion, thanking Jesus we made it through. When we are attacked spiritually, we spend a quiet and humbled day in solitude and meditation. We endure, because we know that this isn't permanent. We will overcome. Be still and know that I am God. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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