Saturday, October 21, 2017

Simply No Exercise

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

I am so glad! It is such rest to know
  That Thou hast ordered and appointed all,
  And wilt yet order and appoint my lot.
  For though so much I cannot understand,
  And would not choose, has been, and yet may be,
  Thou choosest, Thou performest, THOU, my Lord.
  This is enough for me.

It is a known fact how much I detest working out. If you know me, you know that. When I was a young woman, I had no problem working out. I even remember having done so on a daily basis when my children were toddlers. So what happened? 

Cancer happened, I gained weight and became old. I'm tired, folks. The idea of jumping around doing cardio or jogging outside is just not me. I am more concerned about doing some exercises to help my balance, my arthritis and my motor skills.

Remember the time when I decided to order from Netflix every exercise CD they had? I went on this workout mode where I would be forced to exercise. I think I had everything from kickboxing to belly dancing form of exercise. I hated every minute of it. Honestly, a lot of them I didn't even finish or didn't do at all.  

 I did learn from that experience what kind of form of exercise I wanted. More than anything, I want to do stretches. Every night before I go to sleep, I stretch in my bed and every morning I do the same. It feels good to do so. It feels good on my legs. I think this will help my arthritis. 

The whole point is to find something that works for us. Not all of us have to jump around military style to work our limbs. I am on my feet the entire eight hours at work and I definitely feel the difference when I'm at home for the day. I don't move around as much as if I'm at work. I do wish I had a walking partner for a couple of mornings or evenings a week. That would be awesome. 

I would be greatly interested what everyone is doing for exercise. Have a BLESSED day everyone. 

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