Monday, January 30, 2017

Too Many Projects

                                            Everyday is a brand new day,
                                            everyday is a journey.

Well, I've done it again! I've over extended myself with too many craft projects and now, I'm way behind. All of you know that I have a Crocheting Ministry in which we donate everything we craft. Plus, we work by donations of yarn. All of that yarn donated is used strictly for charitable organizations. None of it is used for personal use. 

Although, we do make items for ourselves or family members using materials that we bought ourselves. I also, have certain projects that I'm asked to make and my repayment will be yarn. I should clarify that they also buy whatever yarn is needed for that project. Having said all that, I've taken on quite a bit of these project this Winter. More than I can handle. 

ThThis afghan is one of my largest thus far. It will be the size of a queen size bed. The yarn that I will receive as payment will cover enough to hold us over or the entire Winter. It will be worth the work to ensure my ladies have material to work with and ensure my mental security in providing for them.

I love making hats, scarves and headbands for people , because it takes no amount of time and I can quickly go back to doing my Ministry work. 

Another blanket request, but the owner bought so many skeins of the three colors that I can keep them in repayment. The hustle is real!

This next one is actually a Ministry Project that we hope to bring to fruition in a few weeks. These are homeless sleeping mats that we hope to distribute ourselves by going out to the homeless in person. 

Besides, all of the above, I still make the Ministry baby blankets, hats, scarves and headbands we regularly donate to various charities. I you are interested in making a yarn donation, you can send it to :

The Crocheting Ministry Club
c/o Lottie Krol
10064 Holly Lane
Apt. 1N
Des Plaines, IL. 60016


You can e-mail me directly at;

Thank you for all you do to make this Ministry a thriving one! Have a blessed day everyone. 

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