Friday, January 27, 2017

A Spiritual Meal

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey                             

 When sorrow all our heart would ask,
  We need not shun our daily task,
    And hide ourselves for calm;
  The herbs we seek to heal our woe
  Familiar by our pathway grow,
    Our common air is balm.

I've been brought up to appreciate a meal as a celebration. A meal consisted of homemade comforting food to be shared with a large group of people. This meal would leave you feeling too full, but satisfied. My parents loved to entertain. Our family home was always filled with people, some that I didn't even know too well. 

That's how I view a spiritual meal offered by God to us. That's exactly what I'm looking for in a relationship with God, a fulfilling spiritual celebration where we both walk away from it satisfied. We are so full, we need to unbutton our waistband.

That's why I look forward to Sunday. It may be really difficult to get up early out of bed. It may be tempting to just say no, not this Sunday. It may be so easy to just turn over and go back to sleep, but I know my week will not be easy if I listen to any of that temptation. 

I look forward to my spiritual meal. No matter how tired I may have been when I walked in, but by the time worship music comes on, I'm on my feet singing away. I need that meal and so do you. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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