Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A Church Of Our Own

                                                 Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                       everyday is a journey.

Hidden in our longing there's
an innate yearning for 
something better---- some
lasting pleasure or sense of 
completion. Something that 
cannot be found in plastic
and cellophane, but in the
perfectly satisfying 
companionship of Father,
Son and Holy Spirit.
Daniel Darleng

As we began this new journey of ours moving back into the suburbs, one of our main goals was to find a home Church. I, myself especially, couldn't wait to get back to a steady routine. I wanted to join a women's group, something I have missed being involved in. Online bible studies are great, but I miss the human interaction of a face to face discussion. Who says I couldn't do both?

We did choose to belong to a large Church atmosphere, which was something new for both of us. We have always stayed in a small Church community, where we really were more like a family. Small Churches do offer a cozy atmosphere. 

To be honest, everything seems a little different, which is to be expected under the circumstances. Belonging to a large Church such as this one, has setbacks for me. For Emily, this means more younger people for her to mingle with, but for me,  I have no idea how I will make friends here. How does a person connect in a mega Church?

Next week it will be our official third visit to the Church, not counting the Christmas service. We wanted to allow ourselves time to really assess every aspect of the Church, especially the teachings. I have one small problem with this Church, thus far. Since it is part of a mega, mega Church in another location, we actually watch a live feed of the main Pastor in that location preaching. Now, I did notice that during Christmas service, our very own Pastor taught the message, but that was it so far. I hope that is not the case every Sunday. I want a more personal interaction with the Pastor as he preaches here in the Church where I am at. 

So as you can see, we are in a quandary as to what we should do. We did want a change in our life, maybe this includes the Church atmosphere, too. I did enjoy the message last week and isn't that the most important part? Shouldn't my only concern be whether they are preaching the Word of God? I think we have our answer here.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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