Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Random Thoughts

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

With grateful hearts the past we own;
  The future, all to us unknown,
  We to Thy guardian care commit,
  And peaceful leave before Thy feet.

As the New Year unfolds, I've read and heard various accounts from people proclaiming their goals for the year. Some of them have been so profound, so eye opening and heartfelt that I'm a little ashamed of not really having a major goal for mine. I'm not being sarcastic at all. I only wish I thought of half of these goals myself. I love to see that people are truly thinking about working on themselves and on their relationships with others.

On a lighter note. . . when we moved here, I quickly assumed in my mental brain wave that we should be saving quite a bit of money. Not in the sense of paying less rent, but in all other small expenses. I assumed we would save on gasoline since I live so close to work, which we are and other small things like that. What I didn't account for was the cost of electricity. 

We have no natural light here at all. We came from large picturesque windows ( some length of the entire wall) to quite the opposite. We rarely used lighting except night-time and our small lamps sufficed just right. It's a different matter here altogether, one I didn't anticipate. It doesn't help that it's Winter and we lose light pretty early, but I find myself turning off the lights throughout the apartment. I've become my father. 

Our daily routine has changed quite a bit since we moved here. This past week, I have been on the internet changing our addresses, making new logins and on and on. One can find me on-line more looking up where the nearest oil change place is located or even something minor like a mail box. So basically we have no routine yet, we're just glued to our computers for now. It's funny how depended we are on our devices, but it's also so much easier. 

This is the first Winter in a very long time, where I'm actually cold. I've already reported that my menopause must be over, because I'm freezing all the time. The problem is that I have maybe four long sleeve tops and none of them are sweaters. I can't believe I want a sweater. Hilarious. Poor Emily must think I'm nuts. First, I go around for like ten years complaining how hot it is and now I'm walking around complaining how cold it is in this place. Hello Erma Bombeck. Goodbye sanity.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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