Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Waiting

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Life is made stronger
Giving, receiving;
Love is made longer
Hoping, believing.
Life is made sweeter,
Truly worth living;
Love is completer,
Trusting, forgiving.

--M. B. S.

I have come to the conclusion that I'm horrible at waiting. I've also realized that a horrible person emerges when I wait. I'm imperfect, totally unworthy of being the daughter of a King. I say that I want to do the the will of God, but secretly I'm hoping it is the same as mine. I say I will trust in the Lord, but then I whine when things don't go my way. Yup, waiting stinks.

I've also learned something valuable: Sometimes, God waits on us while we're waiting on Him. 

Wow, that's powerful, don't you think? I think we get stuck in this waiting game and we forget that we are the ones who have to do the work. We keep looking to God to do it for us. Someone asked me last night how do we know when to act or when to be still? What a great question! 

For years, I've been praying and praying on something so dear to me. There were times where I felt for sure this would be the time these prayers would be answered only for the opposite to occur. I would cry out to God why is it always no? In all honesty, will we ever know the why?

So how do we know when to act or when to be still?

Well, I can only speak of my own experience. When I push things to the forefront, because I just cannot wait any longer, things always become worse. I keep pushing and pushing until the situation comes to a boiling point. When things turn for the bad  horribly, that's when I step back and admit to God how desperately I need Him. I give it all up to Him. When we are broken, hitting bottom, that's when I become still. I learn the hard way that unless He says so, nothing will happen. 

There are times when an idea pops into my head out of nowhere. It could be while I'm listening or watching something and suddenly I feel so certain of what I have to do. Absolutely positive. There is no hesitation or doubt about it. A calm assurance comes over me and I know I need to act on that idea. 

None of that will matter if I don't make an effort to allow God in my life. If I don't open my heart to Him, I will never be able to hear Him. When I was a baby Christian, I didn't hear Him right away. It took studying the Word, growing in my Faith and developing more of a personal relationship. It didn't happen overnight. I wish that every one of you could experience that kind of relationship. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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