Monday, January 2, 2017

A New Place

                                      Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                     everyday is a journey.                                      You may not have been
physically anointed, but 
your service is no less 
Joshua Ryan Butler

When we first talked about moving, we never expected to be placed where we are now. In our minds, our new place was completely in a different location and looked nothing similar to the one we've chosen. Originally, we wanted to go somewhere quiet among the peaceful sanctity of birds, trees and nature. We wanted to leave behind the hustle bustle of city life. It didn't quite happen that way.

We are deep in the suburb surrounded completely by trees and birds. Among all the beauty are plenty of people. Apartment building after apartment building line up the street. No matter how hard I try to get away from them away, I just can't. It is something that is built in within us. We are born with a natural desire to gravitate toward others. 

In all this mastery of buildings, one rarely sees any people. It's ironic, really. Our past place sat on a corner lot surrounded by residential homes, but it was one of the noisiest places ever. Here all these people cloistered in one spot and it's been pretty darn quiet. I've yet to see any of my new neighbors, let alone meet them. It is what we wanted, isn't it? The quiet?

Then why do I catch myself frequently peeking out the living room window hoping to see someone? Anyone? Could it possibly be that I'm looking for people? Can a place be too quiet?

If I close my eyes, I can see distinctly how our life will look like living here. I can see it perfectly, but when I open them, it's not as evident. Isn't it just like us to want instant blessings? We don't want to wait or work for that goal to come to fruition. We want it now. 

The hallway has a peculiar smell of muskiness, people and variety of foods. I've cleaned and vacuumed the stairs and it's still hanging in the air. Yet, I really like it here.

The windows were drafty and plastic covers them now, but I really like it here. 

The place is so imperfect, but I really like it here. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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