Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Pain Of It All

                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

There's another language
that I think is universal.
The language of pain.
We don't like to hear it's 
message, but it certainly 
speaks loud and clear
when it comes.
Skip Heitzig

Isn't that the truth? I mean, who doesn't hate pain? Just the anticipation of what is coming can be enough to send us hiding under the covers at the mere thought of it. I think we carry around a lot of pain. Pain from divorce. Pain from losing a child. Pain from betrayal of a friend. Pain from an illness. Pain is universal, not having a preference of race, religion or gender. None of us are exempt from it's sting. 

Yet, some of us handle pain better than others. Why is that? Some would argue that it all depends if we have been sheltered in life or not. Some people experience more setbacks than others where they become more accustomed to the pain of life in general. That is what a majority of people believe. 

I, also believe, that there are times that our emotions play a major role in pain control. When we are down, don't we feel every ache more than usual? Aren't we in a blah kind of mood where everything seems magnified? I'm not making light of pain. I know what pain feels like, what I can endure and the levels of pain. Some I quiver in fear whenever they come to mind. Believe me, I know pain. 

I also know that there are many people out there who are in constant pain and they have learned to adapt to the different levels. The weather outside affects me and so does the type of mood I am in. The cold, rainy and damp Season brings out the pain in my legs even more. Sometimes I think I can feel it before it actually does happen. If it's cloudy, so is my mood and the same happens with my body. 

Pain makes us aware of our own vulnerability, just how fragile we truly can be. None of us have any desire to feel inadequately incapable of managing our own bodies. We feel our dependency on others and how much we need each other. 

Yes, pain has a language of it's own. A language that doesn't require usage of words. It's all written on our faces!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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