Thursday, April 28, 2016

Throwback Thursday

                                               Everyday is a brand new

                                               day, everyday is a journey.

  It's time for Throwback Thursday where we take a look at an old post. Once again, we are back in 2013 at a time where I was in chemo. At that time, I was still working full time and taking off for chemo infusions. I was very fortunate to receive the treatments on a Friday where I had the entire weekend to rest. There were times where I also would take an occasional Monday off, but they were rare. 

Normally, I would get off work at 6:30 a.m., run home real quick to grab my chemo bag and head out for my treatment. As crazy as this may sound, I would look forward to this time as my relaxing moments. Everyone would know I was partaking in chemo and basically left me to rest all weekend. By the time I'd get home later in the day (usually by 3p.m.) I was so exhausted. 

The following post shows a time where all I wanted was to get home. I had a rough night at work and a rough infusion. Sometimes we just want to hide under the covers and stay in bed all weekend. Also, I never ran into that lady again much to my dismay.

 A Day Of Chemo

After a particularly difficult night at work, the last thing I wanted to do is go for my chemo treatment right after. Glancing down at my pedometer (an insurance thing) I walked 10,934 steps in a 9 hour time limit. I was exhausted, feeling the soles of both my feet burning.

My experience that day was tiresome. My eyes were red,  I was tired  and wanted to sleep. Labs left my arm bruised. I developed a rash of sorts, requiring my doctor to spend extra time with me. The nursing staff was short-handed due to the flu outbreak. My clinic nurse had to take care of my infusion which is done in a different part of the clinic. The steroids (all 6 pills) left me immediately bloated and gassy. I was so uncomfortable, just couldn't find my place to settle down and take the infusion. I kept tossing and turning on that recliner. Nothing could hold my mind's attention. I went from crocheting to reading to puzzles . . . even tried to take a nap, but nothing worked.

Afterwards, I had to stop at the clinics pharmacy to pick up my prescription. Of course, it wasn't ready. On my way home, I needed to stop at CVS to pick up my thyroid medication that my insurance suddenly didn't want to pay for after 5 years. I swear to you, I thought I would never get home. All I wanted is to get into my comfortable jammies and sleep.

 I honestly have to say it wasn't all bad. There were good moments, too. In the waiting room, I was crocheting a baby hat and this women came up to me wondering if I would sell her this hat for her baby girl who was seven months old. I wanted so badly to finish it before they called me in, because I wanted to give it to her for free. Of course, I couldn't. I keep thinking about her and hope we run into each other again.

Another good thing that happened was that everyone at the clinic kept coming in to congratulate me on those slippers. What a warm feeling that left inside of me. I guess, this chemo was bittersweet!
Have a Blessed Week everyone.

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