Thursday, April 14, 2016

Throwback Thursday


                                              Everyday is a brand new day,

                                               everyday is a journey.

Every Thursday, we take a look back into an old post and try to do an update on where we are now. Today's post is from 2013 way back in January. 

Reading this post over again, the first thing I noticed is how much my ways have changed in regards to fasting. Somewhere along the way, my fasting has become repetition instead of reverence toward God. We have to be very careful that the routine of praying (and fasting) does not become stale. In a way it's good that I look back on these old posts, just to take a good look in the mirror. 

This year, I've decided to turn off the television and my Facebook games (which I love). So far, I haven't turned that telly back on. There have been a few times  that I did and found there was nothing appealing on for me. The Facebook games I'm still playing, but only three of them. 

I think the important thing here is to make sure your reasons for fasting are pure. I have to admit that there were times I've fasted in hopes of losing weight more than a desire to deepen my relationship with God. 


A Fast Purpose

January, can you believe it's here already? This month sure packs a punch. A new year with a new purpose where we can wipe our slates clean and start over. In our Church, we start the year with a 21 day fast of our choice.

Every year, I participate in the fast. You could say I have been playing pretty safe with the fasts, always choosing something easy like giving up sweets. I decided that this year I would do something bold and challenging, as a way to show God my loyalty and devotion to Him.

So what did I choose for my fast?
1. I will fast the entire month instead of just three weeks
2. I will not play my Facebook games
3. I will spend that time in my devotions
4. I will eat one full meal and substitute rest of the time with fruits, veggies, juicing etc.

You may think it's a pretty ambitious list, but there is a reason. Every year, I'd choose something that didn't really affect me like sweets. How often do I really eat sweets? Not often. This is why I say it was a safe choice. It didn't require much of me. What if I had to really give up something that I liked? That's where my list comes in.

You may think that playing Facebook games is nothing, but I really like these two that I play . . . . everyday. Already, just the thought of doing this makes me want to skip this one little thing and play.

My devotions: Remember last year at this time, I subscribed to all these different Preacher's websites and devotionals? My plan was to read them on a daily basis as to have the Word in me. Well, I have at least 38-40 of them sent  to my e-mail daily and I just can't keep up with them. They have been piling up and as of now I have 2295 of them. Instead of playing the games, I plan on going through them.

The food itself and the duration of the fast has more to do with the fact of how monks of long ago would go into seclusion to fast and pray. It will intensify my fast a little more, giving the fast that bold and challenging aspect.

Of course, I always have a request that I'm praying for and usually I take on others' requests also. If any of you wish for me  to pray for you specifically during this time, you can contact me via e-mail at  with your prayer request. Otherwise, please pray for me to have strength and endurance during this time.
Have a Blessed Week everyone.

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