Thursday, April 21, 2016

Throwback Thursday

                                   Everyday is a brand new day,

                                    everyday is a journey.

It's another Throwback Thursday where we take a look back to an older post and give a small update on where we are now. We have been looking back to the year 2013.

 As I re-read the following post, all sorts of emotions came flooding back. You see, this is the beginning of my Ministry, only I had no idea what it was back then. All of my life, I only made one type of thing . . . blankets. I never attempted to learn anything else. I never thought I could. It seems that the year 2013 was certainly a magical year for the development of my craft as well as my Crocheting Ministry. It was in the Fall of that year where we officially began. 

Since then, we have had many additions to our family. And that baby chest of items? Well, I've donated the whole lot to charity. What's funny here is that I knew deep down inside something was brewing, I just didn't know what that was.

 Oh, Baby, Baby

As the New Year unfolds, so have thoughts of babies. That's all I think about: crocheting baby hats, baby booties, baby hair bands. You name it, I want to make it  or at least learn how to.

I'm not exactly sure if the birth of my godson's firstborn has brought these feelings out or not. My niece Kathy is also expecting. I'm in the mood for pushing a pram.

Scouring different websites for pattern, I've decided to make two sets of everything: one for Emily's  and one for Joey's future children. I'm tired of waiting for them to make that next move in their life. Now, they're on my time clock. We can call it their baby hope chests from me.

The funny thing is that I've never made anything, but a baby blanket. So far, everything I'm making is coming out looking great. How can that be? My baby hats actually made me stop and think that I should make hats for children going through chemo. Very cocky of me. Very unlike me to think I could actually pull it off, but I do have newfound  courage from my last project.

The lady that wanted my baby hat yesterday really surprised me. I find that everywhere I go people are really interested in crocheting or at least handmade items. I started thinking that maybe God was trying to tell me something. Maybe, there is something here He wants me to see and do, but what is it?

Certainly something to pray about. Whatever happens, I know I have found something in my life that provides so much satisfaction and fills my heart to the fullest. Isn't that what it's all about? Emily always says that her food tastes good because of the love she puts in it. Maybe, that's why my baby items are coming out good . . . . it's for my future grandchildren. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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