Monday, April 25, 2016

Friend To Friend

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I just noticed not too long ago the changes that Facebook made on my page. It included a short intro about myself in so many words. What can I say in just a few words that can convey to people who I am?

It's kind of funny how we are trying to connect with others via social media instead of face to face. It's really been the decade of the cellphone, linking us to everyone and everything.

The same day I noticed my Facebook changes, I opened up my devotions for the day and the top three questions stared back at me. 

 1. Who are you?
2. Where did you come from?
3. Why are you here?
These are three very important questions to which you need to know the answer.

  It also made me think of friendships. I've mentioned before, numerous times, on the variety of my friendships. As I stared at the three questions, I couldn't help but think of them. I mean, I am very well aware of who I am, where I'm going and why I'm here. Yet, what if we asked those same questions in regards to friendships, my friends in particular. 

1. Who am I to them?
I've always considered myself a good listener and that might be why I like to write rather than talk. So I'm very in tune with their feelings and their well being. The question here is how do they see me? Do they see me in the same light as I see myself? Am I a good friend to them? Do I provide what they need?

2. Where did we come from as friends?
Like I've said before, I like the diversity in friendships. My friendships come from all walks of life. I have friends from work, school, old neighborhoods, church etc. and yet I don't feel that I have one solid friend that I have known and gone through life like my mom did. My mom has a good friend for over forty years as her BFF. No one friend knows everything about me, only compartments of my life.

3. Why are we friends?
Each of my friends provides something special that I need. I have a friend who I goof around with and one who mentors me. One to cry and one for adventure. One for crocheting, one who appreciates good wine, and one who likes mysteries. I cannot have just one friend, I need multiple friends when combined make the best BFF's ever. 

Either way, whether you're like my mom and have only one bestie for life or if you're like me with multiple. We are here for the purpose of fellow-shipping with others whom we can help or they help us through this journey we call life. 

What do your friends mean to you? Have a blessed day everyone.

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