Tuesday, April 5, 2016

So You Think You Can Sing?

                                                        Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                        everyday is a journey.

I have a confession to make. I sing my little heart out every single Sunday during Worship. I really belt it out. The minute I open my mouth to sing, people around me always glance back at me. Could it be because I stink? Or maybe I'm too loud? Maybe sweetness comes out of my mouth. 

Wishful thinking, I know. It doesn't matter to me which of the three it is. I'm here to Worship God, so what's wrong with putting all of my heart into it? To my ears, it's pure sweetness and I know it is also to Him. 

I remember a particular story my friend from work told me concerning  her own experience in belting it out at Church.  She used to be a Worship singer who would lead with a couple of other women at her Church. So one particular Sunday, my friend has the microphone and is belting it out. Suddenly, one of the other women takes the mike from her in mid song.

You have no idea how badly I wanted to laugh out loud when she said this, but her own face was upset. She couldn't understand why anyone would do something so hurtful. She kept telling me, "Lottie, I know how to sing".

It really doesn't matter, because in her heart she felt that any praise she gave  to God could only sound like pure sweet harmony.  So I continue to sing out loud regardless of what others may think. These songs mean more to me than just lyrics, empty words. This is exactly how I feel about God and my love for Him. 

At my Church, there is a woman whom I love to watch as she Worships. She dances, jumps, claps as if she was in a concert from her youth. Her husband has a tambourine and this family really rocks the Worship!

If you've been raised in a conservative Church atmosphere as I was, this behavior may seem odd in the beginning. I have learned that there is no shame when it comes to love and I love God. Obviously, so does this family. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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