Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Plan

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                        Everyday is a  journey.

I am a planner and organizer by nature. I like everything in it's place, especially when it comes to my work life. My personal life is a lot more messier and more difficult to keep uncluttered. So it's only natural for me to make plans for this next chapter in my life.

I have about a month until my surgery, so I made a list of several things to accomplish before that day. The whole purpose is for the transition from work/ministry to invalid to be as smooth as possible. My whole plan consists of my recovery being just that . . . . rest and relaxation and no work of any kind. 

So what is my plan? Well, I thought of my regular routine and how I could make it easier for myself. I have an entire month to prepare all my FMLA paperwork which I'm sure will be ongoing throughout my recovery. There is my Ministry Club and arrangements will have to be made for someone to step up. Any grocery shopping or supplies that may be needing some stocking up, also. 

Even at work, I need to have that "courtesy talk" with both of my supervisors. Backups have to be retrained or updated on any current qualifications. The nurse and fellow co-workers will have to be informed. 

Anything and everything that could make life a little easier for us during that time I would like to get ready. The whole idea is to heal quickly and get back to work as soon as possible. I love to be kept busy and active so I wouldn't want to be at home for too long. 

During my recovery, I have hopes of catching up on some reading, crocheting and even writing. Even though my feet will be up resting, my door will be open for anyone to chat if they need me. Well, that's my plan and I;m sticking to it. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 



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