Monday, April 11, 2016

Overcome By Grace

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Discouraged in the work of life,
Disheartened by its load,
Shamed by its failures or its fears,
I sink beside the road;--
But let me only think of Thee,
And then new heart springs up in me.

I made a mistake. Not just another mistake, but the same one that I keep repeating over and over again. I should have been written up, instead I was shown Grace. He has shown me Grace. Moments like that bring tears to my eyes, because I am so unworthy of that Grace.

There are many incidents such as the above, where I was shown Grace. What is Grace? Grace is something we don't deserve, but we receive anyway. Let's say we are pulled over for speeding, but the police officer lets us go with just a warning. That is Grace. We deserve a ticket, but we were shown Grace instead. 

It took me a long time to understand what Grace really meant. It was through Bible study and reading of The Word, that I have absorbed the contents of that definition. 

There are many faiths out there in the world. What amazes me is how little people know of their faith. What their doctrine represents and how to use it in their everyday life. To me, if I am to claim to believe in something, I need to know everything about it. I want to educate myself in regards to it. I am a person of questions. And a seeker of answers.

Grace. I've been thinking so much about it. We are shown Grace on a daily basis, but it isn't until we develop a closer relationship with the Almighty before we become aware of it. Why is that? Why do we take so many things for granted? We are so selfish. We are such Israelites.

Even now, as I await this next chapter of my cancer journey, He has shown Grace, Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. Today in Church, we sang I am no longer a slave to fear. I am a child of God. How true! What do I have to fear? Absolutely nothing for I am a child of Abba. I knew then, everything would be just fine. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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