Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Mammogram

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                       everyday is a journey.

Build a little fence of trust
    Around to-day;
  Fill the space with loving work,
    And therein stay;
  Look not through the sheltering bars
    Upon to-morrow,
  God will help thee bear what comes,
    Of joy or sorrow.

As I've  reported earlier, I had a routine mammogram done. The results came out that there was a blemish. Nothing new or shocking there. Almost all my mammograms come back the same way, always the same breast. It has become so habit forming that in the  past the technician would automatically do a more intensive scan for that purpose. This way I didn't have to come back for a re-scan and we know how much those scans hurt. 

There was something different about this mammogram. First, the waiting room was quite full with three other women. Second, it wasn't my regular technician, but I did come on a Saturday. Thirdly, it was over in a flash, a blink of an eye. I was surprised, but happy to be done and on my way home. 

Now, I'm not blaming anyone here, because I am just as guilty. I did have coffee in the middle of the night when they ask you not to drink for 24 hours. I should have told her about that breast, but I didn't.

I was immensely surprised to hear from my doctor a few days later, asking me to come in for an exam by her. This has never happened before. . . .ever. So there was a little bit of anxiety on my part. 

In the end, everything went well and nothing was found. It was probably the nicest oncology visit I've ever had. There were hardly any people in the waiting room. Even her Resident wasn't there. Just her and me, laughing, sharing and catching up on our lives. She told me of her boys and I updated her on my Ministry. I really love my doctor. 

So the blemish really wasn't a blemish at all. Everything turned out great, plus I spent some one on one with a great young lady.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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