Monday, March 7, 2016

A Recent Update

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                       everyday is a journey.

They are slaves who fear to speak
For the fallen and the weak;
They are slaves who will not choose
Hatred, scoffing, and abuse,
Rather than in silence shrink
From the truth they needs must think;
They are slaves who dare not be
In the right with two or three.
--James Russell Lowell

I hope that every one of you are enjoying this bright sunshine outside. After spending such a cloudy and gloomy Winter, it is truly a welcomed and much needed sight! As you can tell, I'm in a highly positive and uplifting mood. I feel energized to get started on all the projects I've set aside this Winter. 

As you can see by the pictures above, I'm still very much interested in Tiny House Living. None of that has changed. The problem is that I honestly thought that this dream would be activated within two years or so. Not anymore! For now, it has been placed on the shelf until further notice as my current job situation is going through a transitional change. Who knows what will happen within these upcoming two years. 

Health-wise,  it has been bittersweet. Sometimes, it seems that my life is just a series of doctor appointments. Even though it is a necessary need, it can be exhausting. My only free time is in the morning and just to think that I will have to spend it in the waiting rooms of hospitals is upsetting. Alas, this is the fact of life I have been dealt, so I need to accept it. 

Which leads me to my next topic: my cancer. It's funny how everyone always asks how I am feeling. It's funny because I have no way of knowing how to answer. It is a very complicated situation that requires more than a sentence or two. I find that each bout with cancer brings on new emotions that I need to process. It's no different this time. So I've decided to write about these feelings in my next literary project.  More on that in future updates. 

I know that we have expressed a desire to maybe move to another apartment. As for now, at least this year, we have also placed this on the shelf. Instead, we have chosen to brighten up the place with some new pillows, area rugs etc. things like that. I have thought about painting my kitchen since it really needs a new coat. Otherwise, we are staying put.

My Crocheting Ministry has improved somewhat with the yarn donations. At least we have enough for the month. I am very grateful for all the continuous support of all our regular donators. God keeps providing, even if the coffers aren't exactly overflowing, but at least we have enough. 

Enjoy the sunshine and have a blessed day everyone. 

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