Sunday, March 27, 2016

Highlight Of The Week #11

                                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                    everyday is a journey.

How do I define this week? I thought about this and thought some more. There is nothing to really explain my feelings except stillness. I am completely still in all respects. A calmness. An assurance. My mind is completely clear. I've spent my time crocheting and watching Agatha Christie's murder mysteries.

This being Passion Week, has also provided quite a bit of alone time in peace and quiet. Emily has been busy running around volunteering in preparation for Easter. We even ran into each other Friday night when I came home from work. That is rare, but she spent the evening stuffing eggs with fellow Church members. Today, she is off and running helping a friend with their printing business, so I'm home alone. 

I often smile in remembrance of my two children. At first glance, everyone can tell how totally opposite they are in appearance. Yet, they share more commonalities than others would think. Take this week, they are both busy with Church in celebration of Christ's Resurrection. Even on Sunday, in separate Churches and miles apart, they both will be there at 7 am. ready to go. I love that!

Some may say, I should be busy trying to figure out what to do. I have this big decision. I say to you, I am busy being still allowing God to do His work. That's all I need. The rest will follow. 

I am very grateful for the solitude that God has provided. He always seems to know what I need the most. 

Have a blessed day everyone.  

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