Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I Mean You No Harm

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Not too long ago I had the privilege of spending the day downtown Chicago. Now, if any of you truly know me, you may think I'm being sarcastic saying it's a privilege, because I never really liked going there. I always thought of downtown as loud, hectic, overwhelming and disorientating. I would avoid going down there, especially alone. 

As I walked the streets, I've noticed people here don't stroll, they take long strides. Without even being aware of it, you end up walking quickly right along with them. Mobs of people rushing from every direction. 

When I finally settled down for a cup of coffee and a sandwich, I felt exhausted from the brisk walk and sea air. As I had quite a few hours ahead of me, I decided to get some bible study out of the way since I've been lagging behind. 

Have you ever been so absorbed in something that you've lost all sense of what was happening around you? That's what occurred here. I was so lost in thought and writing that I wasn't aware of a man standing next to my table. 

I mean you no harm. I'm homeless and so hungry. Could you buy me something to eat?

Now, I have seen  many homeless people, but this man was filthy. As he spoke, he reached out to shake my hand. I looked down at it, small and warm, so very warm. At that moment, something came over me, peaceful and calm. Without hesitation, I reached for my wallet and bought this man something to eat. I watched this man take his plate and sit down a few tables from me. 

I will never forget the feel of his hand when he clasped mine nor can I forget that experience. You may think I'm crazy, but there was something different about him. 

I mean you no harm. I'm homeless and so hungry. Could you buy me something to eat?

I feel as if I've been  blessed in some special way. It's difficult to explain and some of you may feel that I'm crazy, but it was a great feeling. 

Have a blessed day everyone.


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