Monday, March 21, 2016

3 Types Of Friends

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Friend of truth. 
Friend of knowledge. 
Friend of encouragement. 

If you had to list the name of a friend for each of the three above, would you really have someone to place there? I think that the majority would list a friend who does the opposite. Or one friend for all three.

I've never been good at having a "BFF" my age. For some reason we are always on different levels and stages in our lives. One would think the opposite. 

I am learning that everyone plays a specific role in our lives. We have that friend who is adventurous that we take trips with and there is one who makes us laugh when we are down.A friend for every occasion, but that sounds more like acquaintances than true close buddies.

I don't think I have one of those close buddies. My mom has been friends with her buddy for over 44 years. That's a marriage! It was different in their time where people lived in the same house all of their life. Nowadays, people move constantly from one community to the next. The same can be said of work. Keeping a buddy is harder than one thinks.

So who is my friend of truth, friend of knowledge and friend  of encouragement? I actually do have one for each of these, but they may not be the people that others would expect. Why do we need one for all of these anyway?  

Well, we do. We need a friend who will always be our cheerleader no matter how crazy our schemes may sound. They are all about encouragement. Then we need someone who can tell us the way it really is and that person is the friend of truth. We all need a friend that is a wizard of knowledge and always knows where to go or what to do in time of crisis. 

I may not have a "bestie", but I'm okay with that. I like diversity. I'm a loner anyway and I like to keep my secrets all in the closet. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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