Friday, March 11, 2016

Highlight Of The Week #9

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Few, in the days of early youth,Trusted like me in love and truth.
I've learned sad lessons from the years;
But slowly and with many tears;
 For God made me to kindly view 
 The world that I was passing through.
--Lydia M. Child.

This has certainly been one of the most stressful weeks in a very long time. Unlike the picture above, the weather changed to a more seasonal time of Spring. Somehow our Grounds/Maintenance Dept. at work didn't receive the memo and never turned off the heat. This is a manufacturing plant. Add the running machines, the heat from the furnace, plus the warmth from the outside can only equal to a sweat-filled atmosphere. Just horrible! Heat wears one out. 

My car has also been making some noises. I really stress out when it comes to my vehicle. I need my vehicle to get around. I can't do my work, my ministry or anything else without it. There may be buses, but the routes have been altered or liquidated altogether since I was a young girl. Life is just way difficult without a car. 

This month also featured quite a bit of doctor appointments as my health jumped to the forefront. As much as they are needed, they take up so much of my time. If there is an appointment, I usually end up going straight to work afterwards.

It didn't get any better as I noticed my vacation schedule  had a minor, but irritating mistake. You know, I've noticed that it's not one particular event that stresses me out, but a series of mishaps. Just pile one on top of the other. It all adds up to a disaster. I sort of lost it last night for a minute. I say a minute, because I did realize what was happening and right away tried to rectify my responses. 

I wish I could say that I'm  looking forward to resting over the weekend, but my Ministry is meeting on Saturday and Sunday I have a luncheon at Church. Not to mention, it's my turn to bring refreshments for after Church mingle. Emily will be actually baking for it, but the running around will be all me. A busy weekend, plus we lose an hour as it is. 

At least, I won't have time to worry or think too much about anything. Another fault of mine. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 


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